Any sound that is undesirable or unwanted may be defined as noise.  Noise is a result of human activity from road vehicles, air traffic and railways, work processes, and personal activities.

Sound is measured in decibels (dB): below 80 to 85 dB is generally considered to be safe,  a higher level of noise should cause  serious problems for individuals.

Noise means disease

Noise means progress 

That’s the paradox

Noise pollution causes hypertension, high stress levels, sleep disturbances and other harmful effects.

Our goal is to raise the awareness of people regarding the problem of the noise pollution and make people discuss about this topic.

 Pdf: ascoltaMI

Franceco Ceciliani
Dario Monetini
Sara Piccolomini
Simone Pirini
Michela Zapparoli

Sketch for Sinking Stairs project

Sketch for Sinking Stairs project

Sketch for Sinking Stairs project

Sketch for Sinking Stairs project

Sketch for Sinking Stairs project

Sketch for Sinking Stairs project

Sketch for Sinking Stairs project

Sketch for Sinking Stairs project

Sketch for Supersize Waste project

Sketch for Supersize Waste project

Sketch for Supersize Waste project

Sketch for Supersize Waste project


Show how many empty buildings, abandoned and forgotten places there are in the city, ready to be re-used and re-defined or in need to be re-constructed while so many new project are left half-unfinished.

Name and places of the buildings (form theaters, cinemas, factories, historical palaces and churches), their stories, their dimentions.

Taken from: [im]Possible Living, Temporiuso.org, Vita.it and newspapers such as Il Corriere Della Sera, Il Fatto Quotidiano, La Repubblica The Stakeholders People in the city, owner of the buildings, cultural associations

Alberto Boscagli, Luca Fontò, Eleonora Iezzi, Chiara Maffesanti, Annalinda Ruocco


Gruppo Supersize Waste Context Diagram

Gruppo Supersize Waste Context Diagram

Our project aims to raise the awareness between the consumer towards food waste, based on open data about the issue in Italy. In order to understand how to intervene/ influence the consumer behavior, we have outlined the “customer journey” of the buying process, identifying the moments/ phases of the activity, starting from the checklist up to the moment in which the product is thrown away. Subsequently, we have pointed where we should take place through the communication, in order to motivate the user to be aware and conscious about the products (quantity, price, expiration date) that buys.

The analyzed moments are:

-Making decision process about what items to buy.

-Choice the location where go to do shopping

-Buying moment

-Use and conservation of the products

– Expiration date

Based on this analysis, we have recognize the steps in which we can

develop some solutions, that are: when people do shopping and then,

the use and conservation phase.

Pdf: Gruppo Supersize Waste: Concept

Team: Esther Ferruccio, Chiara Francione, Patricia Mancera, Federica Romano, Anastasia Santoro

Alternate Titles
Step-on-Level // Step-the-Level
The Rising Water Project
Stairway to Level

Current sea level rise is about 3 mm/year worldwide.

Our main goal is to create a general awareness about the biggest of environmental problems: climate change and the sea level rise as a main consequence.

Our project is based on two principal ideas: gathering data about the sea level rise and create the experience among common people as a guerilla marketing campaign for social purpose.

We would like to set the “action” on staircases situated in the main transit spots of the city. We will represent a real measure parameter made by each stair. Every stepped stair is a level of water increase and a temporal marker.

Every step (starting from the bottom) has an even lower floor area (we were thinking about using fresh blue paint to induce people not to step on the water surface). We are trying to give people a feeling of overcrowding and inconvenience

Expandable Kit (open source): We will create a toolkit for every city based on the local data; paint and posters…

Sea level rise Data

See level rise in 2100: we could take the intermediate height projection for 2100, which tells us that the see will rise up to 4 feet hight (~1.4 meters)


FloodMap tells us which cities are flooded by sea level rise.

NB: For a complete dataset we should compare the SMRT dataset with the cities affected, to get a percentage of flooded land. Since we don’t have these advanced programming skills, we could calculate it through the website manually for a couple of selected cities. Then we guess a proportion between the available surface nowaday and the one in 2100, to gather proportional values for each year. It’s even possible to go on to further years, as 2200 if we weren’t able to collect a suitable number of affected cities.

Cities altitude list

SMRT nasa elevation project

• who’s affected by the data?

– pedestrian

– observer

• who collects and manages data?

– designer

• who and what is included in the data?

– sea level rise

– altitude of cities

• who and what is not included?

– numbers of environmental migrant

• where and how is the data share?

– the panels are stuck on risers of stairs, on every step the sea level rise become huger. The date of the rise is on the treads, at the end an hashtag to collect the experience.

• where and how is not?

– it mustn’t on too crowd stairs and escalator

internal stakeholder:

– designers

– guerrilla volounteers

– printers

external stakeholder

– municipility

– friends of users

– pedestrians

– observer

Carbone Federica, Elli Tommaso, Laptes Natalia, Malimpensa Gianluca, Parietti Mattia. Pozzi Matteo

Our intent is to show the difficulties women have to face in order to have an abortion in Italy, in terms of distances and availability of assistance in the structures. This will underline not only pragmatic difficulties women have to overcome when they have done this decision, but also the psychological burden of having to move and being far from home. The aim of the project is to inform people about the painful and complicated way to recieve assistance when a women has decided to abort, and on the other hand to show where it is easier to have an abortion. In this way, the project will also be a sort of instrument to understand where one can go and be supported in this decision.

Women provinces of residence, number and kind of structures per provinces, number of abortions per structure, number of conscientious objectors per structure/city/province, kind of abortion method per province.


People pro abortion, pregnant women that want to have an abortion, partners and relatives/families of pregnant women that want to have an abortion.

Carlotta Serri, Claudia Crespi, Alessia Mennuni, Alice Colombo, Jessica Camisasca, Chiara Galiano

The problem of stray dogs and alley cats in the city is worsened by the lack of sterilization and the wrong information often provided on the issue. In 10 years is foreseen that starting from a sigle female (pretending that each one will have only one pregnancy in her life), considering an average of 6 puppies each, there will be 486 pets starting only from her. Providing a hypothesis on the matter can give the right importance to sterilization.

salute.gov.it – Health Ministry
asl.milano.it – Local Health Service

Dog shelters, pet owners, districts

Sara Pizzetti, Andrea Pracchi, Alessandro Tosi, Leda Palermo, Iolanda Piccinini